Turning an ordinary system into extraordinary!
It is more like a makeup artist trying to make someone look extraordinary from the normal. Just like a make up process,
3 things on which optimization revolves around.
🔹 Data
🔹 Tools
🔹 Skills
1️⃣ Mirror – Start with the Data: Define on what outcomes to be expected what benchmarks are to be met ,Measure before & after metrics to ensure right direction.
2️⃣ Kit – Get the right Tool kit : Define on what are the time & cost benefits, what are the risks & side effects ,Use them efficiently with mastered skills on the chosen tools.
3️⃣ Skills – of course exposure : Assessing the current system and following best practices to keep improving until you look extraordinary.
Optimization for Cost, Scale, Security, Performance on the different areas like the cloud, code and data would be some of our upcoming topics. Stay tuned! ⌛
#digitaltransformation #optimization #technology #extraordinary
How can you supercharge your business with bespoke solutions and products.