By Ysquare Posted October 10, 2023

Measure success your customer’s way . Success is not only a measure of quality and brilliance anymore. It’s more about value and outcome of a delivered product/service.

Customer Success Manager – CSM 👩‍💻

Especially in the technology world, this role is becoming a prominent one for transforming businesses digitally.

3 key metrics that presents success in your customer perspective.

1️⃣ Customer Effort Score (CES) 🔂
Measures how much effort a customer has to put in to work with a business. The CES goal is to provide customers with a low-effort experience overall. Can be applicable in onboarding, incident management & any interactions.

2️⃣ Usage Metrics Score ▶
Usage metrics are measurements of how much the product/service is used. At high level it is a measure of Page views, Downloads, Subscriptions etc. In detail level it is Time to value, Activation rate, Usage frequency etc.

3️⃣ Net Promoter Score 🎦
Measures customer loyalty, satisfaction & enthusiasm with product Development services. Customers are categorized into 3 groups — promoters, detractors, passives. Calculated by subtracting percentage of detractors from that of promoters.

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