By Ysquare Posted September 11, 2023

What the hell is happening here? This is how a tired mom reacts when she opens up her kids room messed up completely. Same would have happened for every #techleader when they suddenly audit or review a code worked upon by any team with characters as below.

1. No clue Newbie – A NEW team member with inappropriate experience or product knowledge. 🙍‍♂️

2. Piteous Participant – A poor inefficient trier who puts in lot of effort but in turn messes up things MORE. 🙇‍♂️

3. Talking Tom – A flamboyant speaker who talks about every new stuff in the world but ONLY talks. 💁‍♂️

4. Isolated Individual – A sole striker who is highly focused at his SELF work but not bothered about anything around him.🧘‍♀️”Code to Chaos” – What is called as Tech debt in the modern world. Struggling with it? 😰

We give you some suggestions to handle them. Look for tomorrow’s post for simple and effective #techdebt resolutions.

P.S: In the comments, Do share your experiences with above characters becoming a nightmare in your #coding journey.

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