By Ysquare Posted November 27, 2023

Understanding a problem is mainly understanding the person who is facing it.
Especially, 👨‍💼
When building a technology solution, it is a mandate to study the personas.

We can categorize the persona of a solution seeker, a so called USER in 3 ways.
1️⃣ Buyer
2️⃣ Consumer
3️⃣ Influencer
This understanding & categorization happens on initial discovery meetings,
But unfortunately many of the so called discovery meetings end on just
🔸Introductory handshakes,
🔸Business cards exchange,
🔸Flat pitches & references etc.

Driving discovery meetings with below objectives could help define a strong USER persona.
👉 Make sure the below things are revealed.
1.The core of a problem.
2.The impact of the problem.
3.The current & expected state of it. (Sometimes optional)

👉 Make sure the below things are offered.
1.Empathy on understanding the problem.
2.Your relevance/expertise on similar problems.
3.A simple value providing activity in response.

We follow simple templates & questionnaire games as presented.
This could be applicable for B2B or B2C as end of the day
it is all H2H – Human to Human.

#digitaltransformation #userpersona #technology #problemsolving

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