By Ysquare Posted September 11, 2023

How many times do you use your physical wallet on a day? It has become just a formality for many to carry one.
“Cashless Made Effortless”: #digitalpayment solutions drive the revolution.

For many businesses, the first step of #digitaltransformation is how do they enable online payments for their customers.

In the physical world, right from high-tech shopping centers to normal retail stores, there is a UPI transaction enabled or a POS machine driving your payments. Same with the case of online, every consumer facing website is becoming a dynamic web app enabling their customers with digital payments.

Businesses feel it is easy to manage their accounting when there is a single gateway handling all your web payments especially #saas platforms. The #paymentgateway providers give a lot of options like recurring payments, reminders, prorated calculations etc. customized to the model of SAAS allowing them to just plug and play these digital solutions with utmost agility and speed.

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