Digital SiteWorkforce

About Project:

 Wearable technology is an emerging trend that integrates electronics into daily activities and fits into the changing lifestyles. Our customer came up with this interesting problem of site workers being inefficient in coordinating with their supervisors and unaware of the danger zones in industries thereby risking lives. Our customer was so smart to solve this with the power of wearables controlling the tasks and instructions to the site workers.



Tech Stack:

Technical Highlights:

1.Drawing micro location zones as polygons indicating the access level and restrictions.


2.Using google libraries with Leaflet JS and tracking coordinates of the wearables with GPS.


1.Drawing primary and secondary polygons for marking boundaries to restrict access.

2.Detection of missing signals with time lapse and reproduce the same with required projections of the co-ordinates.

3.Failover and redundancy in a 24/7 automated system of active sensors in an on-premise infrastructure.

4.Assignment of tasks for moving devices paired to physical objects at high speed like vehicles.

Solution Built:

1.Designed and built streaming pipelines for the data ingestion with appropriate mechanisms to trace the sensors and their data.


2.Designed and built a web application for creating and managing boundaries for the micro locations.


3.Designed and built a hybrid mobile app for the supervisors to get the micro locations of workers and assign them respective tasks.


4.Designed a robust and scalable On-premise infrastructure with best practices to manage data reliability and scalability.



Workers Monitored


Industrial plants


Signals processed Everyday

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