Chemotherapy is very painful and exhausting but nevertheless a life saving treatment. Patients going through a Cancer Regimen undergo heavy physical and mental pain. Not only patients, the doctors and nurses in the system go through a lot of stress because of unorganised processes. Our client came up with an empathetic idea of building an intelligent regimen tracker improving their experience in oncology centres by reducing patient wait time, nurse shift scheduling and doctor’s availability management.
Optimization algorithm to measure patient wait time and decide slots for appointments.
Visual Interface of the regimen to look appealing to the schedulers to indicate doctor’s availability.
Managing the weightages for parameters like wait time, patient count, doctor’s schedule etc through the optimization algorithm.
Ad Hoc requests in Calendar changes and adhoc appointments and emergencies.
3.Changes to the Regimen without appropriate data entry in the system.
1.A web application for schedulers to schedule appointments using the intelligent .
2.Optimization microservice to optimise the appointments scheduled.
3.Scalable Cloud Implementation with CI/CD pipeline and redundancy.
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